Archive for rules

inauguration and rules

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on September 29, 2008 by ts


don’t judge me. i just created an anonymous confession blog called “don’t judge me.” there, i said it again. so don’t. judge. me.

but do:

1) submit your thoughts on the matter to the e-mail address listed above and wait to see them online, sans bylines, along with others’ gripes about all the egregious judgment we gotta stomach!


2) tell your friends to submit. they will be cool if they do. cool and cleansed and catharticized. yes, i just made that word up. so don’t — now you’re getting it — JUDGE ME.

[Note: Submissions are reviewed and may not appear on the same day. Please check back. Shitty editorial judgment never considered.]

[ reserves the right to publish your rages against judgment. We also reserve the right to make use of and edit submissions as standard procedure. When you email, you grant the right to a royalty free, irrevocable, sub-licensable, exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, translate, publish, create derivative works from, distribute, display, perform, and delete such content in other pieces of work in any form, media or tech now known or hereafter developed. producers union, eat your heart out.]

[hate the bullshit we just had to publish above this? do us a favor. don’t judge. we are the good ones just like you. trust in the hatred of judgment. it will set you free. and render you fancy.]